JJAP Special Issue

To authors of SSDM2021 accepted papers:

Submission of
SSDM2021 Papers to JJAP Special Issue

Authors of accepted papers are encouraged to submit their original papers on the significant part of their work presented at SSDM2021 to the special issue of Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP). JJAP has been published by IOP Publishing on behalf of The Japan Society of Applied Physics. Note that a special rate of publication charge (Regular Paper 40,000 JPY/article, Brief Note 20,000 JPY/article) and 1–year free access are applied for the SSDM2021 JJAP special issue. Online publication of accepted articles will begin from February 2022, and the publication of the special issue is scheduled in May 2022. Those who wish to submit a paper to the special issue should read through the information below and follow the instructions for preparing manuscripts.

Publication schedule for
the SSDM2021 JJAP special issue

2021 September 6–9: International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2021)
September 30: Deadline of paper submission to the special issue (online)
*No extension of the deadline is scheduled.
Middle of October: Starting of review process
2022 End of February: Closing of all review process
February~: Beginning of online publication (First-accepted-first-published basis)
May: Publication of the special issue (Vol 61, No SC)


  • (1) The paper submitted to the special issue should not have the text identical with one appeared in the SSDM2021 Extended Abstracts. The content of the paper should be original and an inclusion of new materials (data, discussion, etc.) is mandatory. The authors are requested to cite their own corresponding SSDM2021 Extended Abstract in the manuscript and to include a brief description in the text about what has been newly added in the present manuscript. (Originality_policy)
  • (2) It should be noted that you are not eligible for submission to the JJAP without own presentation at the conference.
  • (3) The submitted paper will be reviewed based on the JJAP standard for an original paper. All papers submitted are not necessarily accepted in the final review.
  • (4) Note that such manuscript will not be included in the special issue that is not accepted for publication by the deadline of the review process, as a consequence of revisions requested by referees.
  • (5) Online publication will start from February 2022, and the publication is scheduled in May 2022.
  • (6) JJAP special issues are accepting Regular Paper (RP), Brief Note (BN), and Progress Review (RV). The above items from (1) to (5) are applied in all cases. RVs, which provide concise, efficient overviews covering the latest progresses in a specific research area of applied physics largely based on the recent results from the author(s), can be submitted by the authors who have been recommended from the SSDM Program Committee. The publication of RV is free of charge for the authors.
  • (7) The authors (or their institution) are requested to pay a special rate of publication charge for RP (40,000 JPY/article, no limitation of number of pages) and BN (20,000 JPY/article, limit of words and figures: 2700 words and 3 figures). The invoice will be sent to authors by e-mail from IOP Publishing within a few days after the online publication.
  • (8) Authors should read the contents of the following URL carefully before submitting papers.
    Author Guidelines
    All papers should be submitted online through the web site. Authors are requested to register as a user for the system to begin the on-line submission.
    Submission options (Select “Submit an article for JJAP Special Issues”)
  • (9) The manuscript submitted for SSDM2021 JJAP special issue is strongly expected to have no less than 30 references and to be at least 4 printed pages in length. It is encouraged to cite your own previous papers and sufficient numbers of related papers to clarify the originality of your paper.

JJAP Special Issues Editors, SSDM2021 Program Committee

SSDM2021 Program Committee Chair