SSDM 2013


Short Courses for young researchers and students, will be held on 24 September 2013, the first day of SSDM2013
A separate fee is required to attend the Short Course.
Online Registration
You will also be able to register onsite.

A. Fundamentals on Advanced CMOS/Memory technologies
    (Organizer: S. Takagi, Univ. of Tokyo)

1) “Present Status and Future Trend of CMOS Scaling” T. Hiramoto (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)
2) “High Mobility Channel CMOS Technology” S. Takagi (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)
3) “Impact of 3D structured Memory and Spintronics based NV-Memory for High Performance & Low Power Systems” T. Endoh (Tohoku Univ., Japan)

B. Fundamentals and Applications of Spintronics Frontier
    (Organizer: A. Fujiwara, NTT Corp.)

1) “Advanced Spintronic Materials: for Generation and Control of Spin Current” K. Takanashi (Tohoku Univ., Japan)
2) “Spin Caloritronics - more than spin-dependent thermoelectrics” G. E.W. Bauer (Tohoku Univ., Japan)
3) “MTJ-based Spintronics” Y. Ando (Tohoku Univ., Japan)
4) “Group-IV Spintronics” M. Shiraishi (Osaka Univ., Japan)
5) “Light and Spintronics” H. Munekata (Tokyo Tech, Japan)

C. Trends for Future Power Devices
    (Organizer: S. Fujita, Kyoto Univ.)

1) “Technologies and trends related to Si Power Module” K.Satoh, T.Minato (Mitsubishi Electric)
2) “Recent Advances in Si, SiC and GaN High-Voltage Power Devices” T. P. Chow (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)
3) “Power Electronics Innovation by Widegap Semiconductor Power Devices” H. Okumura (AIST, Japan)
4) “Diamond-Based Power Devices” H. Umezaea (AIST, Japan)
5) “Gallium Oxide-Based Power Devices” M. Higashiwaki (NICT, Japan)